So, as I was sitting on my bum on my nice, comfy couch, I started listing all of the excuses for not starting my blog. I don't know where to begin, I don't know what to say, I'm not sure I have time, what if I say the wrong thing, it doesn't look right yet, I really have absolutely no idea what I am doing, blah, blah, blah! Then it dawned on me - my true excuse - it isn't PERFECT. Hmmm....yeah. I love when you get a huge slap on the forehead from the Man Upstairs! Let us back up for a moment...
I am a "recovering" perfectionist. I had {have} this need for perfection. I like my house clean, organized, everything in its place. I like order in my life. I like things and people to be on time. I want my recipes to come out just right. I really want to say and do the right thing. Oh, and it would really make life so much easier if everyone else would just be perfect too! {Insert laughter!}
To make a long story short, I now have a husband and four kids. That's probably enough said, right? Perfection flew out the window a long time ago! However, it has actually been a hard-fought battle and the war isn't over. Why am I fighting against perfection you ask? What's wrong with wanting to be perfect? Well, let me lay it on the line....
There is no such thing as a perfect human being. Yep, I said it. Not me, not you, not your neighbor, not your spouse, not your friends, not your enemies, not your pastor, not his wife, not your kids, and certainly not my kids! How can you worry, stress and fret over something that simply is not possible? Now don't get me wrong, I believe more than anything that we should all strive to grow, to stretch, to become better people day by day. We can never stop learning, growing and allowing ourselves to be shaped and molded into the people God has us to be. But for me, my focus for too long was {is} on myself and perfection. I was looking to the wrong place and I was looking for the wrong thing. So, I'm slowly changing and I'm allowing you in on the journey....
Congratulations on taking the plunge--from one un-perfect perfectionist to another :)